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Funcare Healthy And Pure Fish Oil 60s x 2 Boxes + Cal-Collagen 10s x 7 Boxes
  • SKU: P-FC-SP-086 x 7 + P-FC-SP-102 x 2

Funcare Healthy And Pure Fish Oil 60s x 2 Boxes + Cal-Collagen 10s x 7 Boxes

$247.00 $413.00

    Product Funcare Healthy And Pure Fish Oil 60s
    【Contents】 700 mg
    【Main Function】 If you often get distracted and absent-minded, feel your body is heavy, you may benefit from fish oil, Makes learning easy, helps with mental clarity, and improves efficiency, Helps regulate the body, balance health, and boost vitality
    【Main Ingredients】 Fish Oil (containing vitamin E - antioxidant)
    【Capsule ingredients】 Gelatin, Glycerin, Distilled water
    【Method of Consumption】 Take 6 capsules daily after meals.
    【Caution】 1. Consult a doctor, pharmacist, or nutritionist before use; a balanced diet and appropriate exercise are the foundation of good health.
    2. This product is not intended to treat or cure any disease. Patients with illnesses still need to seek medical attention.
    3. Excessive consumption is not beneficial.


    【Product】 Funcare Cal-Collagen 10s
    【Contents】 10 Packs(6.62051g/pack)
    【Ingredients】 collagen(fish), Milk calcium, Whole milk powder, Calcium lactate, Creamer, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin B1, vitamin D3.
    【Serving Suggestion】 1pack daily after meal.
    【Caution】 1.)If you have allergies reactions to ANY of the ingredients we use please do notconsume this products.
    2.)If you have any Signs and Symptoms for Gynecologic Problems, health condition or taking any medication, consult your health care practitioner before using any supplement.
    3.)The color, taste, and texture of this product may vary due to its natural ingredients.
    4.) Not for vegetarian.
    5.)The product contains milk and dairy components, people allergic to such ingredients shall NOT use the product.

    Storage:Store in a dry and cool place below 27°C

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